“Fulani herdsmen together with a group of bandits attacked two of our villages, Puka and Pinper, where they killed seven of our Christian villagers,” Markus...
In the early hours of Monday, tragedy struck Ruwandoruwa community in Maru Local Government Area of Zamfara State as armed sinister terrorists laid siege, resulting...
In Akwa Ibom, a businessman named Akpan Essien was abducted from his business premises at Etebi Street, Eket, on October 19. The local police command...
In its quest to boost their personals for effective and adequate manpower for the war against terrorists and insurgency, The Nigerian Army announced the commencement...
Plateau state governor Caleb Mutfwang, in a statement on Monday, committed to revitalizing the state’s security framework, known as “Operation Rainbow”. This security initiative, implemented...