The tranquil village of Riruwai in Lame District, nestled within Bauchi Emirate’s Toro LGA, was plunged into grief as news surfaced of the tragic demise...
The palace of Igwe Emmanuel Nnabuife, the traditional ruler of Isseke Community in Anambra State, in a distressing incident fell victim to suspected gunmen who...
In a tragic incident that unfolded in Sagamu, the nerve center of Sagamu Local Government Area in Ogun State, a prominent member of the Akarigbo-in-Council,...
In response to the escalating incidents of kidnappings in Nde 3-Corners, Ikom Local Government Area of Cross River State, a group of youths organized a...
In a tragic incident at Gana Ropp village, Barkin Ladi Local Council of Plateau State, gunmen reportedly claimed the life of 19-year-old Jude Nicodemus and...
In a distressing incident on Sunday night, unidentified gunmen executed the abduction of Etiyin Maurice Edet, the traditional ruler of Akpabuyo local government area in...
Security measures are absent in the “oil-rich” community, except in areas directly affiliated with oil companies operating in the region. In a distressing turn of...