In a tragic incident at Gana Ropp village, Barkin Ladi Local Council of Plateau State, gunmen reportedly claimed the life of 19-year-old Jude Nicodemus and left two others injured on Wednesday night around 8:00 p.m. The attack occurred following intelligence indicating potential hostilities by Fulani militants during Christmas celebrations.
Last week, another unsettling event unfolded in the hamlet of Shurum, Dorowa Babuje, near Marit District, Barkin Ladi Council, where an individual lost their life to a gunshot. Condemning these recent acts of violence, the Berom Youth Moulders Association (BYM) expressed concern in a statement released by its National Publicity Secretary, Rwang Tengwong.
The BYM urged security outfits, particularly Operation Safe Haven (OPSH), to intensify efforts in combating the resurgence of terrorism, emphasizing the need to eliminate terrorist elements situated in the hills of Barkin Ladi Local Council and other parts of Plateau. Acknowledging the prompt response of Sector 4 Commander, Col. U.S. Abdulsalam, the association credited his swift action for preventing further casualties in the affected area.
Expressing sympathy for the families affected by these unprovoked attacks, the BYM appealed for public vigilance before, during, and after the festive season. Additionally, the association called for calm and implored the government and relevant bodies to extend assistance to the bereaved families and those recovering from injuries.