ioi NEWS

Oyo State: Aggrieved Government Workers Stage Protest, Demand Meeting with Governor Makinde

Workers employed by the Oyo State government staged a protest today, effectively locking down the entrance to the state secretariat. The employees are demanding a meeting with Governor Seyi Makinde to address several concerns that adversely impact their interests within the state.

At the forefront of their grievances is the issue of arbitrary deductions from their salaries. The workers assert that these deductions are unjust and are negatively affecting their livelihoods. In an effort to seek redress, they have taken this collective action to draw attention to their plight.

The protesters are urging Governor Makinde to engage in a constructive dialogue with them to find a resolution to these ongoing challenges. They believe that open communication and understanding are essential to fostering a positive work environment and ensuring the well-being of all government employees.

The lockout has caused disruptions to normal operations at the state secretariat. The workers have come prepared with placards and banners, passionately expressing their dissatisfaction and demanding immediate action. They are determined to continue their protest until their concerns are adequately addressed.

SOURCE: Vanguard

IMAGE: Nigerian Tribune

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