South East

Imo State: IPOB Condemns Killings, Rejects Illegal Roadblocks in Southeast

  • “They shouldn’t faine ignorance or claim to be surprised because they are working with the perpetrators of that unnecessary attack in order to blackmail IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu” – Emma Powerful

Members of the indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB), has strongly condemned the questionable killing of some security officers in Imo state. Ioinews reported that unknown gunmen had ambushed the vehicle conveying the officers for an operation at Ehime Mbano, in Imo state,  killing about 7 of them and setting their vehicles ablaze.

In a statement on Thursday, September 21, released by Mr.Emma Powerful, who is the spokesperson of the organization, said such senseless attacks and bloodshed is forbidden in the Southeast, especially in Imo

He stated: “Such reckless attacks and shedding of blood are not needed to achieve Biafra freedom in our territory. The Biafra agitation championed by IPOB since 2012 has been totally peaceful until some interest started sponsoring splinter groups in order to blackmail IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

We in IPOB for years have been shouting about the evil plan of the government towards IPOB’s peaceful agitation which is simply demanding a referendum date for the Biafran people to determine their own fate as Indigenous people”

According to him, the security agencies know those behind this latest attack on security personnel in Imo State.

He went further to say:

“They shouldn’t faine ignorance or claim to be surprised because they are working with the perpetrators of that unnecessary attack in order to blackmail IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. This has been their modus operandi for the past couple of years, and particularly now that the case they instituted against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu at the Supreme Court is approaching for consideration.

“We, therefore, ask the Nigeria police to go after the criminals who murdered their colleagues and not after innocent villagers. More often than not, security agencies carry out revenge on ordinary citizens anytime armed criminals attack them. No villagers will attack policemen within their village. Therefore, no Ehime Mbano community should be invaded as a result of the attack and murder of the security officers.

“IPOB doesn’t encourage people to murder or waste innocent people’s lives because lives are sacred and must be preserved and protected.  We encourage Nigeria security to use their intelligence prowess to fish out the perpetrators.”

He frowned at the high rate of roadblocks in the southeastThe Ipob Spokesperson said: “Nigeria must dismantle illegal roadblocks that they have set up across the Southeast Region to be extorting from motorists. They have mounted roadblocks and illegal checkpoints but are still not able to stop criminals in Imo State and other State in the south east”

IMAGE: Crime Watch

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