
Google Permits Nigerians to Pay With Naira on Playstore

Tech giant, Google, recently announced that Nigerians can now make payments on Play Store, using their local currency, the Naira. This development is due to Google’s latest strategic partnership with Verve, the biggest domestic card scheme in Africa. This partnership now makes digital transactions on Google Play Store easier and more accessible for Nigerians.

Speaking on Google’s partnership with Verve, the Head of Retail and Payment Partnerships at Google Play, Anthea Crawford expressed her enthusiasm, she said,

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Verve, expanding Google Play access for more Nigerians. The introduction of local payments with Verve cards is a significant milestone, enabling more Nigerians to participate in the app economy and access the apps they need.”

Also, the Managing Director of Verve International, Vincent Ogbunude, shared his excitement about the integration, emphasizing its potential impact on financial inclusion.

With the increased ease and accessibility of digital transactions on the Google Play Store, this partnership is set to empower more Nigerians to explore and engage with a wide range of apps, games, and digital content.

SOURCE: All Africa

PHOTO: TechEconomy

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