Regional Securities

Military Extortions Epidemic in Nigeria’s Southeast, House of Reps Investigate Menace!

Worried by the incessant extortion, intimidation and harassment by the security agencies in Nigeria, (especially the police), against natives from the Southeastern part of Nigeria, the House of Representatives has resolved to set up an addhoc Committee to investigate the thorny issue and report back to the House for immediate action

The directive sequels the adoption of a motion sponsored by Rep. Mathew Nwogu (LP, IMO) on the need to put an end to the incessant dehumanization, intimidation and Harassment of commuters plying the major roads in Nigeria

Leading the debate, Nwogu decried the “incessant and continued dehumanization and harassment, extortion of road travelers in the Southeast Geopolitical zone of Nigeria by security agents, especially by Police officers and Army personnels, who have perfected the acts of extorting money forcefully from road travelers embarking on a daily journey to earn their living.”

He lamented that “the weapons given to the security agents to protect lives and property are now been used by some unscrupulous security agents to harass and dehumanize law-abiding travelers within the Southeast/ South Geopolitical zone.”

The lawmaker maintained that a situation were innocent people from the southern Nigeria are subjected to all manner of intimidation, extortion, dehumanization and sometimes made to trek for kilometers, for what they do not have no clue about is worrisome and must be stoped.

According to him;

“The House is alarmed at the brazen manner in which travelers within the Southeast are forced out from their vehicles by security agents and ordered to walk some kilometers with their hands raised above their heads thus, dehumanizing and portraying them as common criminals or prisoners, creating a feeling of discontentment, social unrest and creating the feeling of a conquered territory.”

He however, exonerated some trustworthy officers who discharge their duties professionally in line with ethics and values of the profession.

He expressed deep frustration on the way some unscrupulous ones amongst them, goes about causing pains and agony on the innocent citizens whose lives and property they were commissioned to protect.

For him, such ugly situations are eliciting worries and are subjugating the fundamental human Rights of the citizens. He advised the heads of security agencies to as matter of national importance, put mechanisms in place to checkmate the embarrassing menace.

SOUREC: Daily Trust

IMAGE: PM times

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