In a historic event on December 31, the ancient Kingdom of Udi, situated in Enugu State, witnessed the ascension of Igwe Samuel Aneke to the revered position of traditional ruler. A retired Deputy Controller of Customs and former traditional prime minister, Aneke took the oath of office administered by Chief Simeon Eze, the secretary to the Igwe’s cabinet.
Following the passing of Igwe Chris Ogakwu in 2020, Aneke now assumes the role with a call to service, without fear or favor, embracing all Udi indigenes as his subjects. During the installation, Igwe Aneke appealed to the people of Udi to unite with him in restoring the ancient kingdom’s lost glory. He emphasized the need for political unity, urging politicians to collaborate across party lines to attract government attention and infrastructural projects.
As the newly appointed fourth Okwuluoha for Udi ancient kingdom, Igwe Aneke expressed gratitude for the community’s trust and pledged to work towards a united and empowered town. He highlighted priorities such as ensuring security, equity, fair play, and economic empowerment, particularly addressing the issue of unemployment among the youth.
IMAGE: Dome News