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Environmental Horror: Cross River State Intercepts Illegal Loggers as Governor Plans to Lift Logging Ban

The Cross River State Government has intercepted 32 trucks loaded with illegal timbers from the state’s forest reserves, reaffirming their commitment to combating illegal logging and environmental degradation. The trucks were seized at Ejiraga in Yala Local Government Area, bordering Ebonyi State.

Governor Sen. Bassey Otu, represented by his Chief of Staff, Hon. Emmanuel Ironbar, warned illegal loggers to take advantage of the government’s offer to regularize their operations in the state. The governor expressed concern over the devastating impact of criminal logging on the state’s rich biodiversity and threatened stiff penalties for offenders.

Alarming destruction of the Nigerian forests continues behind the scenes. Criminals apprehended with trailer loads of illegally obtained wood

Commending the Anti-deforestation Committee for their swift action, the governor urged forest-bearing communities to assist the government by providing vital information and refraining from aiding illegal loggers, wildlife poachers, and smugglers.

Furthermore, the state government announced plans to end the 14-year forest moratorium and revitalize the Forestry Commission to regulate forestry activities effectively. Governor Otu emphasized the need to stamp all woods obtained from the state within Cross River, ensuring the government receives its rightful revenue from forest resources.

To address the ongoing destruction of forests, the state government’s interception of illegal loggers underscores the urgency of lifting the logging ban. The capture and interception of the 32 trucks loaded with illegal timbers demonstrate the government’s determination to combat environmental degradation while paving the way for the planned policy change.


SOURCE: Online News

Image: The Wills

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