Marian Rogers Croak is a pioneering figure in the world of technology, renowned for her groundbreaking work in voice over internet protocol (VoIP) and communication...
The Oba of Benin, Ewuare II has emphasized the necessity for government intervention to promote local production and stimulate export activities during a meeting with...
The traditional leader of Topo, a suburb of Badagry in Lagos State, Chief Oluwadami Avoseh, has urged Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu to intervene and prevent an...
Renowned Yoruba Ifa priest, Chief Ifayemi Elebuibon, has emphasized the urgent need for political and security stakeholders in the South-West to employ spiritual protection measures...
Operatives of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Akwa Ibom State have made significant strides in combating illegal activities within the petroleum...
Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke, has officially bestowed the staff of office upon the newly appointed Owa of Igbajo, Oba Ademola Makinde, emphasizing the imperative...
The Ijaw National Congress (INC) has strongly condemned the reported killing of women and children by the Nigerian Army following the assassination of soldiers in...
Gas flaring emits aggressive climate forcers and dangerous air pollutants like black carbon, methane, and volatile organic compounds – Core Surrounding communities suffer from increased...
His Royal Highness, Eze Innocent Nwaigwe, Chairman of the Umuahia North Local Government Council of Traditional Rulers, has called for the education of residents on...