Marian Rogers Croak is a pioneering figure in the world of technology, renowned for her groundbreaking work in voice over internet protocol (VoIP) and communication...
In the world of entertainment and business, few figures are as polarizing and intriguing as Kanye West. Known for his groundbreaking music, fashion ventures, and...
Mr Faheem, an African American entrepreneur hailing from San Diego, California made headlines last year for his thoughtful gesture towards his son on his 13th...
American rapper Rick Ross recently expressed his admiration for Nigerian singer Burna Boy, labeling him as the best African artist of all time. During an...
A former senior official of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is facing bribery and tax-related allegations in the United States. Paulinus Iheanacho Okoronkwo, a...
Trail blazing media mogul, Oprah Gail Winfrey, fondly known as Oprah, turns 70 years old today. The ageless Amazon, with African ancestry traced to the...
Chancellor Ahaghotu, a Nigerian Art Student at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta, Georgia, recently shattered a decade-old Guinness World record for...
Famous African American Pastor with Nigerian ancestry, Pastor TD Jakes has allegedly been accused of attending all male parties organised by his long-time friend and...