Afrobeats sensation David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has shared the heartwarming news of welcoming a set of twins with his wife, Chioma. The joyous announcement followed the circulation of a video on Friday, capturing Chioma leaving the hospital in the United States, cradling their newborn twins, a boy and a girl.
Davido confirmed this delightful addition to his family for the first time at the United Masters Select event on Saturday. Overwhelmed with emotion, he revealed that he and Chioma were trembling when they discovered they were expecting twins.
The revelation came amid the immense sorrow of losing their son, Ifeanyi. Despite the profound grief, Davido expressed his unwavering faith and gratitude for the unexpected blessings.
Reflecting on his journey, Davido candidly shared, “I was at the point of giving up. I thought I was never going to be able to sing ever again. I’m telling God, I’m doing this no more. After that, I have had my most successful year, I have had my biggest album.” He emphasized the strength he found in his faith during the challenging times.
The twins, a beautiful boy and girl, arrived just three days ago, bringing immense joy and renewed hope to Davido and Chioma. The timing held a poignant significance as their son had passed away in October of the previous year, and the twins were born in the same month, marking a bittersweet but incredibly special moment for the family.
IMAGE: LegitNg